Monday, August 25, 2008

T-minus one day...

So, we're about 24 hours away from going into the hospital as a couple and leaving as a trio.

Janie's spent most of today coming down from a panic attack, while I've been a weird combination of tired, excited and a little unnerved by the whole endeavor.

Tonight, we're going to repack the bags to make sure we're ready, get some snacks at the grocery and then try to enjoy our last night of sanity for the next two decades. :D

We will update as events warrant tomorrow, and then we'll keep you posted Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, you all! I can't believe you're doing this while I'm going to be out of town. I'll send my cell phone number to as many of your e-mail addresses as I can find, just in case you decide text updates too. And I'll be checking the blog on my phone.
