Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Doctor update: Week 35

I had a bad migraine yesterday, but it cleared up enough that I was able to accompany Janie to the doctor yesterday afternoon for our weekly checkup.

Eliza measured about four ounces heavier, which is apparently what normal growth is, meaning she's not on pace to be as huge as we initially feared. Her torso is measuring full-term already, but the rest of her is within about a week of her actual age.

Janie has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow morning to get another 24-hour Holter monitor because she's having a lot of heart skips and palpitations. Tressie doesn't think anything's wrong (in fact, she couldn't even hear Janie's heart murmur yesterday) but she wants to be sure.

In other news, the house is almost completely together, save putting up curtains and blinds in a couple of rooms and getting the changing table for the nursery. As soon as the den is finished, I'm taking pictures because I want to show off the really nice rug we got at Lowe's the other night. It changed the entire room. Eliza got a new rug too, which ties the room together nicely and is incredibly cute.

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