Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another week, another doctor visit.

This afternoon we head off for our weekly biophysical profile (aka how big can this baby possibly get? appointment) and visit with the doctor. My blood pressure has been staying mostly reasonable, but I've had a couple of pretty intense spikes. The stress of worrying about the blood pressure is probably worse than the actual blood pressure. According to me, the baby is officially being evicted. Do you think it would be creepy to have a sheriff come and escort her out? Anyone have any good labor induction tips or tricks? Someone mentioned a full moon on Saturday and that could help get things rolling.

I'm hoping the doctor will have a plan for baby delivery. If she even hints that she might let the baby go to term, I'll probably cry big, weepy sitcom tears right in her office. I don't think I can handle four more weeks of bedrest and bp meds.

At the moment, I'm planning to spend my day watching many episodes of Entourage (have to get my Ari fix) and once again trying to force myself not to want to clean the house. My nesting instinct has kicked into full gear and it's taking every ounce of will I have to keep me in the bed. If I'm still stuck in the bed next week, it'll probably take actual straps to keep me down.


  1. You know, I do know the sheriff. We could make that happen.

  2. Oh Janie hang in there!!! I wanna hear what the DR says! I'm sure they'll let you go a LITTLE early. They almost did that for me! And those measurements they give aren't ALWAYS right so don't let that discourage you either... I had a friend who was told she would have an 11 pound baby and it only ended up being 7 lbs. Anyway, things will all work out!
