Monday, August 18, 2008

8 Days.

Everything looked a little TOO good at the doctor today. I'm happy to report that the baby put on 5 oz. They were a little worried because she hadn't really gained much since 34 weeks. If she hadn't gained any weight, we would have induced this Wednesday for sure. My blood pressure also looked pretty good while we were there. As it stands, I have one more doctor's appointment and bpp on Friday with induction planned for the following Wednesday, August 27th. I'm a little disappointed. I'm entirely ready to get this over with. However, the nurse practitioner/midwife made Brian a little nervous when she mentioned that the baby could still be prone to breathing problems at 37 weeks. I think Brian's relieved. I, on the other hand, am over it and I was ready to get this show on the road.

Still, one more week and we'll have a baby!


  1. YAY!! One more week isn't too long in the long run... in the mean time enjoy these last few days of being alone and try to relax... you'll wish you had once the baby comes! Watch a favorite movie, have Brian give you a nice massage... etc etc. Can't wait to see Eliza's pictures!

  2. One week? How can that be? I'm so excited for you all. Guess this means your project will be finished before ours.
