Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sentenced to hard labor...

No, Janie isn't swinging a pickaxe on a chain gang, but she is laboring like a junkball pitcher late in a game.

Doc was kinda forced to put her on a magnesium sulfate drip to reduce her seizure risk because her BP is high and staying high. We were both kind of apprehensive about that move, but Doc told me herself that our only other option was to turn off the pitocin and have a C-section, and neither Janie nor I want that if we can help it.

Janie's eating a popsicle and watching Ellen on TV. Eliza's heart rate sounds good on the monitor, and the contractions are strong but not completely regular right now. Janie's not in a lot of pain, though.

Our little girl is set on making this difficult on all three of us, it appears.


  1. I am watching Ellen too.. and a popsicle sounds awesome. Keep up the good work girl- you'll be amazed when its over

  2. Hey. Kid. Knock it off! People wanna meet you! Yeesh! (G'luck and keep on pushin', Janie. We're all keeping up with the progress from home...)

  3. The suspense is killin' me!! I've been waiting for pics of Eliza for 2 days now!! :) hang in there the both of you... I know you're more anxious than I am!
