Sunday, March 29, 2009

First word!

Eliza said her first word!

Janie was feeding her, and she said "Good." Said it twice again later, too.


  1. When Janie was almost 4 months old she said "Hot Dog" I was not alone when she said that and have proof.. smiling. I am not a little surprised Eliza said her first word already. I am sure she will be a talker like her mommy. Three of us heard Eliza say "Hi" several times when she was 4 months old. Brian thought we were nuts. Eliza, You are fun sweetheart... Now say, 'Grammy" "Grammy" "Grammy"

  2. Yes! Now I can start training her to sing Queen songs!

    I have a question...Why does the blog say Eliza has two mommies? (Both named Janie?) Does this have to do with those Willow Tree statues? lol

  3. Nothing to do with the Willow Tree statues. We just like to think of ourselves as "progressive". (or I got a new google account and set it up so I can post from both)
