Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eliza's Swing: a Tribute

From time to time, I was putting Eliza in her baby swing when I needed to work on our bedroom. Last week, while I was dealing with all the burglary nonsense, I noticed Eliza was grabbing the support bars as she was swinging back and forth. I'm all for newer developmental milestones, but since this seemed really dangerous, I decided it was time to retire the swing. She's only 3 lbs. away from the max weight limit anyway. Now the swing is living in her closet until we can figure out what to do with it.

We've had a lot of good times with Eliza's baby swing. So here, for your viewing pleasure (and an excuse for me to play around with Windows Movie Maker's goofy transition effects), Eliza's Swing: A Tribute.

In other news: I actually saw Eliza go from crawling position to sitting position THREE times today. I guess she can officially do this. So exciting. Now if she'd just get the proper crawl together, she'd be right on target with her milestones. She's showing absolutely zero interest in trying to pull up using furniture. You know what? I'm okay with that. That'll probably delay the risk of stitches. I'm okay with that, too.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you wish you could keep her little just a while longer?
