Saturday, May 9, 2009

Eliza Crawled (like, a real crawl)

At 7 months, Eliza did this really awkward crawl that looked like an army crawl/slide on her face. Today, she crawled nice and proper. In an attempt to get it on video, I set up a camera on the floor on the opposite side of her room and tempted her with toys. This video was originally 12 minutes long, but here are the last two minutes when she finally makes her away across the room to grab a toy she couldn't resist. There wasn't a lot of distance for her to crawl, but she does it for sure.

Also, Eliza learned to wave "bye-bye" yesterday. She waved to my Mom as we were leaving her apartment. Brian claims she'd done it before, but I hadn't seen it. Yesterday is the date entered in the official baby book.

Hooray for milestones. Let's hope these don't fall out of her head like the last set.

Tonight we're going to dinner with Brian's Dad and Stepmom. We haven't seen them since Easter, so we're looking forward to it. I'm sure Eliza will be thrilled, too.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a sweetie. It's so fun when they become mobile. Nothing cuter than a little baby learning to crawl and walk!
