Monday, November 3, 2008

SHOT through the heart and you're to blame. You give vaccination a bad name!

Poor Eliza had her first ever vaccinations today. Three shots and an oral vaccine. She screamed in pain with all three jabs and then I unexpectedly burst into tears. I honestly didn't think I'd cry, but the sound of that shriek hit me right in the gut. She managed to fall asleep for the rest of our outing. She even smiled a bit once we got home. However, while I was feeding her a couple of hours later, she started sobbing once again. I gave her a bit of Tylenol and now she's sleeping in her booster chair. I hope she's feeling better when she wakes up from her nap.

I honestly didn't expect that to be as difficult as it turned out to be. My poor little baby.


  1. Awww..... it is tough seeing your baby in pain!!

  2. I have to take Caylor to get his vaccines today. I am really not looking forward to it. I hope she feels better.
