Sunday, October 26, 2008

Special Bonus Features: The Outtakes

Eliza will be two months old on Tuesday. As of tonight, our camera is entirely full. I dumped all the pictures off the camera off onto the computer, so I decided to make a special photo post with some of the outtakes from the past two months of Miss Eliza Jane Smith. For the record, we seem to be making some progress with the reflux and Eliza has seemed a bit more happy and comfortable for the past few days. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this continues. Now for some pictures.

Brian being a goofball at Culver's.

Me at our last doctor's appointment before Eliza arrived.

Me in labor.

Brian enjoying labor much more than I was.

Me and Eliza on one of our first nights home.

Eliza kicked back and enjoying the pack n play.

Eliza being adorable and wearing bunny and bear.

Brian and baby being adorable.

Being cute in the Boppy.

Yours truly reading the paper.

Eliza getting burped.

Eliza trying to smile.

Grandmommy and baby.

Eliza sleeping in her chair.

In her Bumbo chair.

Brian consoling himself after yesterday's big loss.

Eliza asleep in Daddy's lap tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Pictures! Glad to hear the reflux seems to be improving.
