Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Another weekend down, another workweek to go.

Eliza's doing much better with sleeping. She's waking up at most once during the night to eat, which is a welcome change from getting up every two hours.

I stayed up all night Friday night working on the new computer I got as an early Christmas present (thanks, Mom!) so Janie slept while I was on baby patrol. The good news is, pending a RAM upgrade this week, we should have a lot more YouTube videos of Eliza shortly. It's nice when you can upload and edit video without having to worry about the computer crashing.

Lee's home for a few days, so we saw "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" yesterday afternoon. My rating: ehh. Not a bad film by any stretch of the imagination (I'm looking at you, "Beverly Hills Chihuahua") but not as good as most of Michael Cera's resume. Certainly not as good as "Juno."

Janie has a seatbelt in her back seat now, which means she and Eliza are mobile. They're supposed to be out adventuring right now. Janie's also on the employment hunt, so I think she's trying to have as much fun as possible with Eliza before she has a job. (Janie, not Eliza. We're not putting the baby to work... yet.)

In other other news, it's three weeks to Election Day. Excitement abounds.

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