Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Product Plug

Eliza has always HATED to be swaddled. She'd kick off her blanket within minutes of being put down to sleep. We had a swaddling blanket that didn't work very well. It was flimsy nylon and a little too big for her. That didn't work at all. We'd all but given up on the concept.....UNTIL!

Aunt Cheryl bought Eliza something that has revolutionized sleep at our house.

Kiddopotamus Swaddle Me.

Since this product came into our lives, Eliza has (pretty much) slept through the night two nights in a row. Night before last she slept from 10:30 to 4:00 and then went back to sleep after feeding and changing until the alarm went off at 6:50AM. This morning she slept until 5AM, we stayed up for about 45 minutes and then went back to sleep until 8AM! I actually had to wake her up to eat. She hasn't been swaddled since 8AM and she's still drowsy.

This is the kid who wouldn't sleep for more than a 2 hour stretch and sometimes wouldn't go to sleep at all until 2AM.

It might not last, but bless the inventer of the Swaddle Me. At least I've had two fairly solid nights of sleep in a row.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!! So glad she slept so long for you so early on! Hey- I liked the swaddle me too. It works great. One suggestion though- before long, the velcro stuff stops working. I don't know if there is a secret to getting it to stay 'sticky' (if there is, please let me know!) but I had to go through a few of them because after the velcro wore off it wouldn't stay on her.
