Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Childbirth Class Part 2

Tonight is the second half of our childbirth class. We're hoping against hope that that it's more informative than last week. Last week covered standard childbirth, some breathing techniques, and some intervention stuff like vacuum extractions. We got to watch the stock childbirth video. It's amusing to me that it's never attractive people who opt to have their birth video taped and shown to classes across the country. The woman in our childbirth video looked a bit like Molly Ringwald with a chromosome disorder. We, of course, sat in the back and snickered.

This week they're covering c-sections (yikes!) and anesthesia options (yum!). I'll report back should we learn anything interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously Janie, I had a c-section, they are no big deal. The worst part of it is thinking about it. It didnt hurt, there were no dramas, and I missed labour all together. Don't stress about ceasers. Much mojo anyway.
