We've had a bit of a crazy week. I had some medical tests that turned out a little yucky last week, so the end of this week is going to bring a cardiac catheterization. Yikes! Scary stuff. We're hoping for good news, so keep your fingers crossed for me.
In the meantime, we've been enjoying some family time together. Last night we went to the drive-in to see Up and see Star Trek for the second time. The first movie was cute, but wasn't as fantastic as everyone seemed to say. The drive-in is such a cool, retro place to go and hang out. Last night was a little chilly, but it couldn't have been a more beautiful night to be out on a blanket under the stars enjoying a movie with your family. Eliza had a bit of a freakout when she got sleepy, but we managed to put her in the car seat to sleep as we sat in the front and enjoyed the second film.
Brian was excited because Eliza looks poised to be a car enthusiast like her Dad and Poppa. Here's a little video from our trip to the drive-in last night.
I hope everything goes well at the doctor. Let me know...