Thursday, January 22, 2009

Eliza Sits!

Eliza has been sitting for brief little bursts for a couple of weeks now. Just a bit ago she was waking up for a nap. I propped her up in front of her little dog toy for a minute or so to see if she'd play with him for a few seconds. I took my hands off of her and she sat there, unassisted, for almost 10 minutes. In fact she toppled over as soon as she realized she was sitting by herself.


  1. She is growing up too fast:) Hey- what kinda of crib is that? I think Gracie has the same one!

  2. It's a storkcraft. Can't remember the model name. If you do have the same one, go to their website. There was a recall and and the brackets that attach to the board under mattress are defective.
