With that out of the way, we hope everyone had a happy New Year's celebration.
While we went out and celebrated the New Year with an old friend, Eliza stayed home, fussed, and tricked Aunt Cheryl into giving her an extra bottle. She reportedly woke up and wanted to be fed at about three minutes 'til midnight. She wanted to be awake for the celebration of her first New Year.
This year we're going to be working on several goals. I've decided to be more reliable. I also need to get my eating habits in order without being unrealistic about what I'm willing to do. Brian also wants to eat a little better this year. I'd also like for us to be more fiscally responsible this year. We're going to have to be. Especially since we're maintaing our household in Mayfield while living in Lexington.
Here's another picture of Eliza's first attempt at Exersaucing. Yesterday she learned how to make the Exersaucer rock and bounce! She squeals with excitement when she manages to get it to move. So cute!
This picture cracks me up because she staring at the purse that's built-in and drooling. I guess she's going to be a purse person like her Mimi. So it begins...
Smoke will be missed by all who knew him.