Brian enjoying the show
How was The new Dame? Same As It Ever Was
We had a great time and I managed to only call about Eliza three times while we were out.
Saturday we went to Lawrenceburg to visit with Brian's former co-workers Mary and Laura and Laura's son Lance. I forgot to get a picture of Lance, but he has the coolest big blue eyes in the universe. We also saw Mary's amazing and newly renovated pad (you can click the Bud and Mary link on the side of the blog to see it yourself). After that, we went back to Margie's to take a nap and my brother Jimmy showed up unexpectedly. He invited us out to watch some football. We decided to hang at Spuds and watch UK fall just short in their bid to knock out the #2 team in the nation.
Brothers Greg and Jimmy watch the game
Sunday we went to have lunch with my Mom, Lee, Tracy and her family and Susan and Debbie. We had some chili and then headed home.
Susan and Eliza
Eliza with her cousin Scott
Eliza and Grammy
Susan and Brooke
Eliza being a ham (notice Lee's Ninja Turtle shirt)
Now we're home and it's nice to be home, but I'm always homesick when we get back. I'm glad Eliza got to meet the rest of her family and Brian got to see his favorite live band. I'm glad I got to visit home for the weekend. I really needed the escape.
Oh she really is so sweet!! Too bad I wasn't in Lexington to see her in person! I was on my own little road trip!!