So, Eliza has lots of clothes that fit but are going to be totally out of season while she's this size. I'm glad the weather is staying relatively warm. I'm trying to run through some of these outfits before it's way too late. Eliza's wearing white very unfasionably after labor day today. I feel bad that she'll never be able to wear half the clothes she has. People have been nice and given us hand me downs, but if their kids were born at different times of year, it just isn't working out. I'm beginning to get a bit concerned that she doesn't have enough long sleeves to wear this winter. We'll have to put her long sleeved onesie under everything and she'll look like she's trying to bring back the Seattle grunge look.
We also weeded out clothes I either don't like or know she'll never wear. We should have a good batch to donate to charity.
Due to issues related to insurance, Eliza has to switch doctors just in time for her two month check-up. Keep your fingers crossed that we like her (the doctor, not Eliza). I had mixed feelings about our original doctor, so maybe this one will be exactly what we're looking for. More importantly, keep your fingers crossed that I don't freak out when she gets her first shots. When she had jaundice and had to suffer a couple of heel pricks, I wanted to slug the lady who did it.
Tonight Eliza is going for her first solo grandmother visit. Brian's Mom is going to watch her while we go out to dinner. I'm not sure she knows what she's in for, but I hope they have a good time.
I'm hoping to take Eliza to a pumpkin patch this weekend. Too bad she's too little for hot cider. I love fall.
I love the pic of you and Eliza! It is so good! You have such a way with words. I can't write that good. Talk to you soon!