We took Eliza for her barium swallow yesterday. She did really well and it turns out she just has plain ol' reflux. Nothing exotic is causing it, so I'm relieved. Sadly, she now seems to cry after every single meal and cry for hours on end at night. Our only real savior is the vibration of her bouncy seat. Luckily, she likes being swaddled and seems to calm right down for bed. Our doctor was out so we took her to see another doctor the other day. She was of little help, so we're sort of at a loss as to how to help her. We're just giving her lots of cuddles and love and feeding her soy formula when she seems hungry. As a first time mother, I'm scared to death there's something wrong with her and we're missing it. Especially since she has this awful umbilical hernia.
In happier news, it's definitely fall. I hope Eliza's colic will allow her to dress up in her Halloween costume (pictures to come) and go visit the Grandparents before trick-or-treat. We're going to stay home this year, but I can't wait to take her around door to door next year. Assuming the baby is calmer this evening, I plan to carve our pumpkin. We downloaded a somewhat complicated pattern and it'll be awesome if I can pull it off. If it turns out, I'll post pictures. If not, I may get a little colicky myself.
Marissa tagged me for a survey. I've done a ton of these in my personal blog over the years, but I thought it would be fun to post one here.
8 Favorite TV shows (I don't really have 8 shows I love right now. I'm going to have to go with all-time.):
1: Heroes
2: Entourage
3: Weeds
4: Roseanne
5: Gilmore Girls
6: The West Wing
7: The Wonder Years
8: (Mock me if you will) Blossom
8 Favorite Restaurants
1: Chipotle
2: Chick-fil-A
3: Baker Peters Jazz Club (Knoxville)
4: Culver's
5: Joe Bolognas
6: Rafferty's
7: Carrabbas
8: Columbia's
8 things that happened yesterday
1: Went to the hosptial for Eliza's test
2: Went to Brian's mom's office to show off Eliza.
3: Drove to Brian's Great Aunt Polly's house and helped her re-dress her very wounded arm.
4: When I was leaving Aunt Polly's, I saw a fire and called Brian.
5: Talked to my Mom on the phone.
6: Talked to Cheryl on the phone
7: Eliza cried a lot and I tried to comfort her.
8: Went to bed early. We were all exhausted.
8 things to look forward to
1: Our first Halloween with our sweet baby
2: Thanksgiving in Louisville
3: Christmas
4: Our first anniversary
5: All of Eliza's firsts (turning over, first words, first steps)
6: Decorating our first Christmas tree in our new house
8: Enjoying each day with my little family
8 things I love about fall
1: Leaves everywhere
2: How pretty our street looks with a blanket of fall all over the place
3: Cool weather
4: New TV season
5: Halloween
6: Carving a pumpkin
7: Anticipating Christmas
8: That "fall smell"
8 things on my wish list:
1: Urban living
2: iphone
3: Lots of educational/fun toys for Eliza
4: Cute clothes that fit
5: A job I won't dread and pays well enough
6: Health and happiness for my family
7: Daily success for Brian
8: A more peaceful 2009