Sunday, September 21, 2008

S(p)itting up.

Our little girl has reflux issues. We've been advised by our doctor that Eliza needs to be sitting up for 30 minutes after meals. We tried having her sit in the Boppy. She seemed to enjoy it, but on the vinyl couch, she'd slide down as soon as she'd wiggle a bit. As much as we'd love to hold her for 30 minutes after every meal, there are times when that would be meal time to an hour total. That's great, but we'd never be able to do laundry again.

We decided tonight to break out the booster seat Heather (thanks Heather!)got Eliza for her baby shower. We strapped it to one of our dining room chairs and sat her in the living room with us. She looks just like a a big girl.



She looks pretty comfy and ready to eat. She's pretty much always ready to eat. Last night Brian was trying to comfort her while she was crying. He'd read about something called the "colic hold" in one of our baby books. While attempting this, the baby demonstrated how determined she is to eat every five minutes by attacking Brian's thumb and sucking as hard as she could. She does this with pretty much any object placed directly in front of her face. I'll show you.


How cute is that? She certainly inherited her insatiable love of food from both her mommy and daddy.


  1. Eliza is so pretty! It's too bad that she has to go through the reflux... I'm sure it's not fun for ALL of you!

  2. Thanks, Marissa. The reflux isn't fun, but I'm hoping she'll grow out of it a bit. It makes feeding her at night quite a challenge!
