Eliza enjoying her Boppy!
I'm hoping the constant seated position will help her stay awake during the day and make it easier to get her days and nights turned around. Sleeping isn't her strongest skill. Eliza is starting to try to smile a bit and is doing a great job trying to push herself up and look around when she's lying against someone's shoulder. She also makes a solid attempt to hold her own bottle and pacifier.
I'm currently operating on less than three hours of sleep. The baby spent the better part of last night wanting to eat constantly. The doctor thinks Eliza is overeating, so she wants us to limit her intake to 2 oz. of expressed breast milk at a time. I think we're going to try to eliminate as many bottles as we can, assuming she seems to be getting enough to eat.
As for me, I'm still working on healing from the c-section. I have a home health nurse coming daily to take care of my incision. It hasn't entirely closed since my stitches popped open almost three weeks ago. There's concern that it isn't healing quickly enough, so it may require further action when I see the doctor on Wednesday. We'll see. My blood pressure and blood sugar seem to be returning to normal, though! Isn't that great news?
We're otherwise doing well. Adapting to working on little sleep, but happy to be enjoying our very adorable little girl. Sorry for the gap between posts. I can't even imagine how anyone with multiple children finds time to breathe, let alone blog!
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