Eliza is 16-months-old today!
This past month she celebrated her second Christmas, got her bangs trimmed for the first time, found out she's 30 inches tall and 26 lbs, and started saying "okay". She has a whole mouth full of teeth and isn't afraid to use 'em. She's decided that she doesn't like ham or turkey but she LOVES burgers.
Eliza has a bit of a cold right now, but she still held still for our monthly Raggedy Ann picture. Such a good girl.
The video of Eliza's year-in-review is great!
As usual Eliza enjoys her pictures with Raggety. Surely her great Grandma can see her sitting next to the doll she gave you Janie. Eliza is a funny girl. Yesterday I was knocking on something and Eliza ran to the door to say come in..This happens all the time. She knows when it's time for you and Brian to pick her up. She handed me her sweater to put on her and when I finished she went to stand in front of the door.That's why she had it on when you arrived. She is a joy to be around.