Today our sweet baby girl is 11-months-old. This blog, dedicated to our sweet baby girl, has officially been updating you on her life for one year. On July 28th of last year, our pack n' play, swing and car seat were delivered and we were in the process of getting Eliza's room in Mayfield ready for her arrival. My, what a difference a year makes.
Now our sweet baby girl is 11-months-old and we're planning her first birthday party. She can almost walk, she's uttered her first sentence (although she mostly just babbles), she's almost finished with bottles, she drinks milk, she can drink out of a big glass without spilling and drink out of a straw, and she's eating a lot more big people food. Right now she's starting to play with her new push toy and loves to nap at Grammy's house with her stuffed hippo.
We've come such a long way in the past year, and there's more fun and adventure to come.
Janie, I know Grandma is happy in Heaven you use the Raggety Ann she had made for you to show how much Eliza has grown. Wonder if Raggety Andy is jealous he can't get in the picture. Tell him Grammy will take a picture of him soon. Eliza is a sweet, happy girl... so easy to be around. Thanks for the pictures.