Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Eliza stays put

I wanted Eliza to get mobile and learn to crawl, but I didn't think of the ramifications of Eliza actually crawling. It's sorta like when you vote for a local politician who promises to change some things and then he knocks down your house to build a road. Careful what you wish for.

In the past week, Eliza has gotten lightning fast. A can put her on the floor in the living room, spend 10 seconds in the kitchen and come back to newspapers all over the floor or Eliza attempting to move giant books from the bookshelf even though they weigh twice what she weighs. We went out and got all the babyproofing necessities like outlet covers, but I still needed a way to contain my adorable little monster without leaving her in a playpen half the day.


Basically it's just a hexagonal baby gate that keeps Eliza and her toys in a contained area. It totally looks like we're about to stage Oompa Loompa wrestling matches in Eliza's bedroom. We sorta felt guilty about this at first, but if I ever hope to get anything done again, I have to be able to keep her contained without keeping her too contained.

Here's some video of our new acquisition.


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