I'm sorry we've been so quiet over the the last week. Our happenings have sorta gotten in the way of daily blogging. I hope to get back to it this next week. I've tried my hand at baking a bit recently, and that's filling a lot of my time. This week I've managed to make 3 loaves of sandwich bread, gingerbread, biscuits, and a giant batch of fantastic chocolate chip cookies.
Eliza is getting bigger and has gotten so mobile that we're going shopping for a cage today. Not like a doggie kennel, but one of those octagonal baby gates that will allow her to be mobile, but keep her from tearing all the newspapers out from under the coffee table. Our living room will constantly look like we're hosting an Oompa Loompa wrestling competition.
Since Eliza now sits up at will, she takes that opportunity not to nap. As soon as I put her down, I can hear her shuffling around over the baby monitor. I go in her room and sure enough, she's sitting up playing with her glow worm. Even if she's only half awake, she's still sitting up doing something instead of napping. It's only a matter of time before she'll figure out how to pull herself to a standing position. Then we'll be in trouble.
We haven't really taken many pictures lately, so I thought I'd add a picture I really love that was taken the same night we took the bath splashing video. I want to get a video soon of her new bath routine. She likes to rub the side of the tub until it makes a squeaking noise. Then she laughs until her Daddy laughs and then she does it again. This will go on for 5 minutes or so until we finally have to take her out of the tub. It's adorable. Maybe next bath I'll try to get it on video. I love that she already has desire to make people laugh. She's mommy's girl.