Unpacking has been slow going. We have a three bedroom house worth of stuff to fit into a two bedroom townhouse. We have lots of storage space under the stairs, but everything really needs to be repacked so we can use the space efficiently. Meanwhile, I'm still the mommy of a six-month-old baby and our daily routine makes it difficult to get much done. Thank goodness for her afternoon naps.
Eliza is, as ever, a joy. She continues to be extremely grabby and we have to watch what we put within arm's reach. Her motorskills are improving every single day. I think crawling is a good way off. She DOES NOT like to be on her tummy for an extended period of time. She does, however, like to stand (with help, of course). Yesterday I let her stand while she held on to the laptop and the coffee table. For a few seconds she was holding herself up without any help from me. Brian caught a picture of that, but excuse our surroundings. We are still unpacking.
Also, since we had a tough week, Brian came home with some gorgeous tulips. They also afforded him the opportunity to play with his camera. Lastly, Eliza took a ride in a laundry basket yesterday and giggled up a storm. Enjoy the pictures!

I love that little point of hair in the front.. still waiting for Grace to grow some more