Eliza is only four-months-old, but it seems like she may as well be 100. Time has flown by so quickly. Over the last month, she's done a great job learning to sit up on her own. In fact, I think she may sit up on her own before she rolls over. She also laughs very boisterously and has learned to squeal when she's happy or excited. Eliza is extremely verbal and loves to babble. She's particularly fond of the throaty "k" sound. Tonight we fed her a little rice cereal from a bowl. Not a huge deal since she gets some in every bottle to help her reflux. She took it off the spoon, but she didn't seem to quite get the swallowing thing down. We'll be working on that over the next month.
She also had her first ear infection this past month. She had to take some medicine, but she solidered through like a little champ. She recovered just in time to enjoy her first Christmas. She got lots of toys that I'm will help with her development in the months to come. Speaking of toys, she also is showing an ever so slight preference for a toy I call Lamby Pamby. Daddy calls him Sheepy Weepy. He's a small lamb that plays music when you squeeze his belly. Eliza has also developed a love for watching football. In fact, she just loves the TV. If the TV is on, she will go out of her way to crane her neck around for easier viewing.
She's growing into such a big girl before our eyes. We're so looking forward to the next 8 months before her first birthday!
Oh she really is growing up isn't she!!! It's going to be so fun watching her continue to grow and develop her little personality!