I had to take this month's Raggedy Ann picture because Brian was at work. Not such a great picture, but I think you can see the growth!
In the past month, Eliza has learned to babble lots of consonant sounds, push herself up really well when she's on her belly, and laugh out loud. She also tries to sit up on her own when she's propped up on her Boppy or in her booster chair. She rolled over on Thanksgiving, but we think it was a fluke because she was on a soft bed and she had a bit of help from the slope of the mattress. Hopefully she'll roll over on her own soon!
We put up the Christmas tree today. For the first time ever, I had to have an artificial tree and colored lights (I'll tell you about that later). I'm not thrilled, but the baby seems to enjoy it.

This afternoon, Brian has to cover the local Christmas festival/parade. I think we're going to take the baby and see how she does. The baby's first Christmas is so exciting!
She is already 3 months?!? Wow. Time seems to go by even faster for other parents than for me! It seems like she was born yesterday. Christmas will be so fun this year for you guys... she's just old enough to be alert and enjoy what's going on. Next year will be even better!!
ReplyDeleteWished I knew where you were standing at the parade because Miss Grace and I went too. She loved the horses and all the lights. I hope Miss Eliza liked it too.
ReplyDeleteBritteny! You have to come over soon! We're moving back to Lexington and we need to see Grace before we go.